Ramos Peritos Tasadores, S.L. comes from a long tradition in the world of appraisals.
Entering the market in year 1950, we have been modifying continuously our facilities and resources to cover the insuring market necessities.
In 1994 we created the first Ramos Peritos Tasadores, S.L. office, located at the Plaza de Calvo Sotelo in Alicante. The formation of this office started from the desire of extending our business in the insurance market.
In October of 2001, and as culmination of several years of efforts, we inaugurated our present facilities located on the C/Padre Recaredo de los Ros, 57 local 18-19, creating a new concept in the market and working with the most advanced resources and with engineers qualified in diverse highly skilled specialties in the insurance sector.
From the beginning of our activity many are the companies that are counted with us for the accomplishment of expert reports and the management of accidents, being some of them Grupo Caser, Estrella, Vitalicio, Cahispa, etc.