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Ramos Peritos Tasadores SL

Home » Services - Appraisal of Goods

Appraisals for Insurance Companies

"This professional office seeks to obtain optimal results for each transaction."

Company Dossier

General Information

Area of Actuation

Alicante and Province.

Type of Accidents



This professional office has been collaborating for more than ten years with diverse Insurance Companies, such as Vitalicio Seguros, Estrella, Caser, Cahispa, etc, carrying out expert reports in the different branches of Automobiles and Diverse Risks. Since then, has obtained satisfactory results in each exercise, based on the constant improvement of the offered quality and service, counting for it with a team of experienced and titled professionals, as well as with all the necessary technical and computing resources.

Terms Of Intervention In The Accidents

Car Accidents

Once received in our offices the Warning of Appraisal, indicating the day in which the vehicle will be at the mechanic garage, the expert intervention will take place preferably during the morning of the indicated day, unless the Company indicates that it has to be carried out in the evening.

Accidents Of Diverse Risks

Once received in our offices the Warning of Appraisal, the Insured will be contacted by telephone with in a term no superior to 24 hours, with the purpose of arranging a visit.

Downtimes Of The Accidents

Car Accidents

car headlight

Once the appraiser has visited the mechanic garage, the Company will be informed in a term no superior to 48 hours, by means of the definitive Appraisal Report, in the case of closing of the appraisal, or with an Advance of the Appraisal, when it is not possible to close the appraisal in the first visit, by possible disassembling of the vehicle or other circumstances.

Also, in case of not being able to close the appraisal in the next days, follow-up reports will be made every 7 days, indicating the state of the accident.

Accidents Of Diverse Risks

Once carried out the expert intervention, the Company will be informed in a term no superior to 48 hours, by means of the definitive Appraisal Report, in the case of closing of the appraisal, or with a Preliminary Report if it is not possible to conclude the appraisal, indicating circumstances and estimation of damages.

Also, in case of not being able to close the appraisal in the next days, follow-up reports will be made every 7 days, indicating the state of the accident.

Proposed Objectives

In its commitment of collaboration with the different Insuring Companies, this professional office has as primary target obtaining optimal results on each exercise, maintaining the precise levels of quality and service, with the purpose of fulfilling the requirements demanded.

In order to obtain and to guarantee in a maintained way this objective, it is acted consequently following the directives and performance standards detailed below.

Performance Standards

Car Accidents

car wheel

Accidents Of Diverse Risks

door knob

Professional Honoraria

The honoraria to perceive by this professional office will adjust to the scales of Cars and Diverse Risks stipulated by each Insuring Company.

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